Organising Self-Care

Self-care is something the people in the veterinary profession are rubbish at (if I must put it bluntly). I hear excuses about not having enough time or just not being bothered. Self-care is so important to do and the benefits include making ourselves feel much happier and healthier. Looking after ourselves properly can prevent us from getting compassion fatigue and burn out.

Webinar Review: Urinary Sphincter Mecahnism Incompetence (Usmi) An Introduction To Caniphedrin

This veterinary webinar is sponsored by Chanelle Pharma and is one of several from the company in its CPD series.  Jonathan Moore has had an interesting career to date with a total of 12 years in equine practice, six years with Elanco in a sales and marketing role with many species, and since this year with Chanelle Pharma as the UK support manager. Along the way he found time to study for an MBA at the University of Southampton.

Happy International Women’s Day 2022

International Women’s Day celebrates the social, economic, cultural and political achievements of women, while also marking a call to action for accelerating women’s equality. This year’s theme is #breakthebias and asks the world to call out instances of bias against women in the workplace, at school and at home.

Is Flea Treatment Polluting The Environment?

A month ago, I had the opportunity to work with Dr Peter Caldwell in South Africa, where we spent some time talking about deworming. For those of you who don’t know who Dr Caldwell is, he is a world-renowned wildlife veterinary surgeon in South Africa and has been involved in a lot of research work.

What Do I Do Next? (RSPCA) – Members’ Webinar Review

This weeks webinar is an interesting look into a situation that we all hope to never find ourselves in. How do we know that an animal is in a dangerous situation, and what steps do we need to take (what steps can we take?) to help our patient. Caroline Allen MA VetMB CertSAM MRCVS, the RSCPA Chief Veterinary Officer, walks us through the main points of this journey.

What To Know About Women’s Leadership

To inspire others to be and deliver more than they thought was possible, is my definition of leadership.  It really is all about the relationship between the leader and the team and fundamental to this is whether the leader trusts their team and believes in people’s potential.

Brachycephalic Ocular Syndrome – Why do Pugs keep getting Ulcers?

Brachycephalic ocular syndrome is a syndrome that occurs in breeds of dogs and cats with a flat face. These breeds present with many anatomical complications such as macro palpebral fissure, lagophthalmic, reduced corneal sensation, medial entropion, and poor tear films, which do not give sufficient protection to the eye hence why this syndrome usually appears.

Automation & the Veterinary Receptionist – Members’ Webinar Review

Will Automation Change the Role of the Veterinary Receptionist? Our speakers for this discussion-based webinar were Alison Lambert, Kate McMorris, and Julien Renard. A bit different from the normal lecture-based webinars, this was a round-table discussion about how automation has changed work as a whole and how it has changed the role of the veterinary receptionist.

Ophthalmology Cases: Interactive Slide Recognition Game

Ron Ofri is one of the most prolific of Webinar Vet presenters. I counted at least 31 previous webinars in recent years (there may be some I have missed), and there are at least three scheduled for next year. For any colleague interested in veterinary ophthalmology, and those in training, it would be worth viewing all his webinars as they represent the results of Ron’s many years at the forefront of this discipline.

How Healthy And Happy Are Our Pets?

The PDSA Animal Wellbeing (PAW) Report returns at The Webinar Vet with a webinar aimed at exploring the implications for pet welfare in the UK today. Composed by a panel of expert speakers, both a discussion and live questions allow the audience to immerse themselves in the discussion.

The Mind Matters Initiative

“The Mind Matters Initiative (MMI) aims to improve the mental health and wellbeing of those in the veterinary team, including students, veterinary nurses, veterinary surgeons and practice managers. MMI was launched in 2015 and is funded and run by the Royal College of Veterinary Surgeons (RCVS), the regulatory body for veterinary surgeons and veterinary nurses in the UK.”