Comprehensive Anaesthesia for Veterinary Nurses: Elevate Your Expertise

At The Webinar Vet, we are dedicated to providing veterinary professionals with the highest quality education and training. Our "Comprehensive Anaesthesia for Veterinary Nurses" course is designed to elevate the skills and knowledge of veterinary nurses, ensuring they are well-equipped to handle the complexities of anaesthesia in veterinary practice.

Keeping Your Pet Safe from Heatstroke: Essential Advice for Veterinarians to Share with Pet Owners

As the summer temperatures rise, the risk of heatstroke in pets increases significantly. Heatstroke is a serious and potentially life-threatening condition that every pet owner should be aware of. As veterinarians, it's our duty to educate pet owners on how to keep their furry friends safe and cool during the hot months. Here are some key points and advice you can share with pet owners to help prevent heatstroke in pets.

Top Pet Industry Trends for Veterinarians in 2024

The pet industry continues to evolve rapidly, offering new opportunities and challenges for veterinarians. As pet ownership increases and the human-animal bond strengthens, staying informed about the latest trends is essential for providing the best care and services. Here are the top pet industry trends veterinarians should watch in 2024.

Meet Our Speaker of the Month: Dr. Owen Davies

We are thrilled to announce Dr. Owen Davies as our Speaker of the Month. Dr. Davies brings an exceptional level of expertise and dedication to veterinary oncology, making a significant impact on both the veterinary community and pet owners.

Help Us Improve: The Webinar Vet Annual Survey

At The Webinar Vet, we're passionate about making our services better for you. We understand that as vets and vet nurses, your needs are always changing, and we want to grow right alongside you. That’s why we’re inviting you to join us in our Annual Survey and share your thoughts.

Decoding the Bark: Can AI Really Translate Dog Barks?

For centuries, humans have longed to communicate more effectively with their canine companions. Understanding what our dogs are trying to tell us has often been left to guesswork and intuition. However, recent advancements in artificial intelligence (AI) are pushing the boundaries of this age-old desire, bringing the possibility of translating dog barks into human language closer to reality.

How To Communicate Your Sustainability Goals

So, you've started making sustainable changes to your practice and motivated your whole team to help, but now you're wondering how you communicate all these significant changes to your customers. Moreover, how do you inspire them to adopt your green ethos, too?

Ensuring Quality of Life in Older Reptiles: A Comprehensive Guide

As pet reptiles age, their care needs evolve significantly, and assessing their quality of life becomes increasingly important. Unlike more vocal pets like dogs and cats, reptiles often exhibit subtle signs of distress or discomfort, making it challenging for even the most attentive owners to discern their well-being. This guide delves into the critical aspects of evaluating the quality of life in older reptiles, ensuring they receive the best care in their golden years.

Five things that you should do to avoid panics during anaesthesia

It’s true, isn’t it, that there is nothing more stressful than having to prepare a patient for anaesthesia, thinking about the anaesthetic protocol, calculating the doses, arranging the operating theatre etc etc. and all this for an uncooperative patient? You cannot find the right tube, other unforeseen things happen, you start to feel rushed… And all this can be compounded if complications arise during the anaesthetic procedure  which, perhaps, if they had been foreseen and anticipated, could be better managed and the patient’s safety would not be compromised.

Understanding Non-Tuberculous Mycobacteria in Cattle: A Rising Concern

Non-tuberculous mycobacteria (NTM) are a diverse group of mycobacteria that do not cause tuberculosis but can lead to significant health issues in both humans and animals. In recent years, the presence and impact of NTM in cattle have garnered increasing attention from veterinary scientists and farmers alike. This blog delves into the nature of NTM, their implications for cattle health, and the measures needed to address this emerging challenge.

The Impact of CMA Investigation on Veterinary Practices: Addressing Concerns and Realities

The Competition and Markets Authority (CMA) investigation into veterinary pricing has stirred significant debate within the veterinary community. While the investigation aims to ensure transparency and fairness in the pricing of veterinary services, it has also raised concerns about the potential abuse of veterinary professionals. This blog delves into the implications of the CMA investigation, addressing both the concerns of abuse and the necessity for pricing transparency.

Celebrating the Human-Animal Bond

On Sunday 28th July, StreetVet will be collaborating with other charities, individuals and organisations that support and promote the Human-Animal Bond (HAB) to create virtual events and competitions to inspire and educate animal lovers. As well as celebrating the relationship between humans and animals and all of the benefits they bring to us, the day intends to encourage animal lovers to engage with charities whether that is following them through social media or volunteering.