Speaker bio page for Sheridan Lathe

Sheridan Lathe


Dr Sheridan founded Vet Tails in 2017 on board her sailboat SV Chuffed. The mission, to provide free veterinary care to underserviced regions of the world, while providing inspiration and education to a global audience. She graduated from James Cook University (Australia) in 2011 and worked as a small animal veterinarian in rural Queensland, before being hired as a wildlife veterinarian in Adelaide. Working at both a wildlife hospital and in a gold standard small animal clinic, she quickly became disillusioned with the idea of veterinary medicine as a business. She left Australia to pursue a dream job in China, to work with Animals Asia rescuing Asiatic Black Bears from the bear bile trade. Her work there inspired her belief that as veterinarians we are responsible for the health and welfare of the animals of the world and can do more to make a change. She has been fortunate to provide free animal health care, welfare improvements and veterinary education all over the world to a wide array of species, ranging from sea turtles to elephants. Her passions include one health policies, animal welfare, community outreach, surfing, travel and sailing.

Webinars from Sheridan Lathe