What's it really like working as a Sailing Vet

I founded Vet Tails in 2017, an organization which aims to improve the standards of animal health and welfare around the world. Vet Tails is currently run from aboard my sailboat, SV Chuffed. We provide free veterinary care, work with local animal care organizations to help improve their protocols, provide educational opportunities for veterinarians, and help provide the resources necessary for local veterinarians to better serve their community. All the while, we move our sailboat to new locations and experience new adventures.

Upcoming Free Webinars in October: Enhance Your Veterinary Practice!

October is packed with valuable learning opportunities at The Webinar Vet, offering a series of free webinars designed to keep you at the forefront of veterinary medicine. Whether you're a vet, vet nurse, or just passionate about advancing your knowledge, there’s something for everyone.

Guinea Pig Awareness Week: Nibble, Nourish & Thrive – Promoting Better Welfare for Guinea Pigs

As veterinarians, we are well aware of the importance of understanding the unique needs of every animal we care for, yet guinea pigs remain one of the UK’s most misunderstood pets. Guinea Pig Awareness Week (GPAW), now in its fourth year, is helping to address this issue by raising awareness of the five welfare needs of guinea pigs and encouraging adoption and rehoming. This year’s theme, Nibble, Nourish & Thrive, highlights the significance of proper nutrition and care in ensuring these beloved pets live happy, healthy lives.

Speaker of the Month: Dr Benoît Cuq

This month, The Webinar Vet is thrilled to spotlight Dr Benoît Cuq, a distinguished expert in Small Animal Internal Medicine. Dr Cuq's impressive career has spanned several continents, making him a highly respected name in both academia and private practice.

Understanding Calcium Imbalance in Cats: Causes, Symptoms, and Solutions

Calcium plays a vital role in the health of cats, especially in maintaining the strength and density of their bones. Just like in humans, calcium is essential for ensuring that a cat’s skeleton remains sturdy, as well as for the normal function of muscles and nerves. When there's an imbalance, it can lead to serious conditions, including brittle bones, which puts cats at risk of fractures and other complications.

Dental Diets for Dogs: A Helpful Tool or Just a Trend?

Good dental health is as vital for our pets as it is for us. However, maintaining the dental hygiene of our canine companions can sometimes be challenging, especially when we’re not able to brush their teeth daily. This is where dental diets come into play, offering a potentially convenient way to promote healthier teeth in dogs. But are these diets truly effective? Should veterinary professionals recommend them to their clients? Let’s explore the facts and consider whether dental diets for dogs are worth the investment.

Farm Animal Refresher: Fertility and Herd Udder Health Management – A Must for Vets!

If you’re a farm animal vet looking to brush up on your knowledge of dairy herd fertility and udder health management, then this new refresher course from The Webinar Vet is perfect for you! The "Farm Animal Refresher: Fertility and Herd Udder Health Management" course is packed with essential information and practical insights, covering everything you need to help optimise the health and productivity of dairy herds. Let’s dive into what makes this course such an invaluable resource.

Blood Clots in Cats: Understanding the Risks and Survival Chances

Blood clots can be a frightening and severe health issue for cats. Known medically as thromboembolism, blood clots in cats often occur suddenly and can lead to life-threatening conditions. One of the most common forms of blood clot in cats is aortic thromboembolism (ATE), often referred to as a “saddle thrombus.” This condition is a medical emergency that requires immediate veterinary attention. Let’s explore what blood clots are, why they occur in cats, the signs to look out for, and whether these clots are survivable.

What You Need to Know About Continuing Education as a New Veterinary Graduate

As a new veterinary graduate, the learning doesn’t stop when you walk out of university. In fact, one of the most important aspects of your professional journey is Continuing Education (CE), also known as Continuing Professional Development (CPD). Veterinary medicine is constantly evolving, with new research, techniques, and technologies emerging every year. To provide the best care for your patients and remain competitive in the field, staying current is essential. That’s where CE/CPD comes in.

Seborrhea in horses

Seborrhea is a term that indicates scaling and crusting – this can be dry (seborrhea sicca) or oily (seborrhea oleosa). Seborrhea can be due to a primary disease of keratinization, which is a rare condition, or secondary to a disturbance in the process of epidermal proliferation, differentiation and desquamation.

The Most Powerful Veterinary Copilot in the World – Free For Your First 30 Days.

A veterinary practice where the burden of paperwork is lifted, allowing you to focus entirely on the care and comfort of your patients. CoVet, our best-in-class veterinary copilot, makes this possible. Powered by Ai, CoVet intelligently automates medical record writing and other administrative tasks, saving users hours every day.

Supporting Your Mental Wellbeing in The Veterinary Career

As you’re probably aware, September marks Suicide Prevention Month, and today, 10th September, is Suicide Awareness Day. This year, the World Health Organization is encouraging everyone to focus on starting conversations with friends and colleagues about suicide.