
Imagine the AHC practice process as a journey from the initial phone call enquiry until the pet crosses the EU border. There are multiple practice team members involved and they need to feel confident about what needs to be done so they can get it right every time. How do we get everyone on board to deliver a great service, without compromising on other important work?

At OVForm we have spoken to many practices that have made issuing AHCs work well for them we have summarised our findings to help other practices. This webinar will cover what steps you can take to improve efficiency, get your team on board and keep your clients happy

Learning Objectives

  • 5. Planning for times where demand is higher than usual
  • 4. Being aware of common mistakes and how to avoid them
  • 3. Creating resources and a Standard Operating Procedure so your team feels confident when speaking to clients about pet travel
  • 2. Defining a process from the point of the first travel enquiry until the pet leaves the UK
  • 1. Understanding the link between efficiency and profitability


Good afternoon, everyone. Thank you so much for joining us. My name is Charlotte, and I have the pleasure of presenting today's webinar that your practise a HC process.
So animal health certificate process. I'd like to say firstly, a big thank you to OV form for sponsoring today's session and for making this webinar possible so a bit about our speaker today. Mary Anne Frank Mary Anne qualified in 2004 and has been registered as a OV since 2006.
In 2021 she found that issuing animal health certificates was taking far too much time. So she founded Oviform, which is a Web based service that makes issuing animal health certificates very quick and easy. By streamlining and automating the process, OV form is growing fast as practises see the benefits of reducing stress and saving time when issuing animal health certificates.
I wish to let you all know that today's session will be recorded and available on playback, and you will also receive the test certificate for today's attendance. Your CPD Please use Use the Q and a box for any questions you may have for Mary Anne. Throughout the presentation And at the end of the session, we'll see if we can answer any of these questions you may have.
If we, of course, run out of any of the questions submitted, we'll email out any responses to you in the next few days. So with no further ado, I'd now like to hand over to Mary Anne just to to start today's session. Thank you, Mary Ann.
Hi, everyone. Welcome. It's lunch time, and this is being, done.
So, does I'd love to know what you're having for lunch. And welcome to those on the replay, too. Today we're going to It's gonna be a bit interactive.
I need you to use the chat. OK, cause I'm gonna share some ideas with you, but not everything may suit your specific practise, but I'm sure there will be some really good nuggets that are gonna make a huge difference to your team, your clients and your profits. Today we're talking about animal health certificates.
They're the E U's punishment for Brexit. Basically, who'd have thought this is something we would have to deal with in practise. But here we are.
I know We have a few dramas in veterinary, but a H CS have a bit of extra spice. When you have to deal with complaints, they can cause a lot of stress. They consume a lot of time.
But today we're going to talk about, how to make it very efficient, profitable, and keep your clients happy so that you don't overwhelm your team as well. So zooming out in veterinary at the moment. The bigger picture, what are the biggest issues we are facing today?
I've got a few of my ideas here. Please. Comment in the chat.
What's bugging you this week? I, someone's eating peanut butter and banana on toast today. That's one of my my favourites.
Anyway, so we we we struggling with lack of time, work related stress, stress at work, grumpy clients. Profitability, T morale, the the there there's lots of them. And and please weigh in.
If if you have any any particular one that that you're struggling with today. So, let me just check the chat. Where to start.
Yeah, I know. Yeah, I do work in practise as well. So You know, I'm I'm at the cool face, I.
I feel your pain, all the time. So why are we in veterinary practise? Well, for me, it's to improve animal welfare.
That's that's really my priority. And as one practise owner once told me, we are not travel agents, so we want to keep some perspective and not leave the dog at the bottom of the mountain while we climb a mountain of paperwork. You know, we we have to If we're gonna do the service, we can't really compromise on our other work.
Basically, and it's got to align with with, you know, the bigger picture. If we can achieve a balance between our priorities and animal health certificates, then they can actually be a beautiful way to build our relationship with our clients. And it's another stream of income, so it can actually be an easy win.
It doesn't need to be stressful. But if we're not getting our practise process right, then we're going to add to all these issues. If we do get it right, it's gonna knock on and actually improve your profitability, your client satisfaction, and your team morale.
We're gonna dig into this today and see how we can do that. Maybe some of the the thought processes today will be applicable to other areas of practise. So let's see if if this helps you so that I've been researching what practises are doing.
And basically what I found is that, inefficient animal health certificate processes could be costing your practise thousands in lost revenue. Because instead of doing animal health certificates, there could be something else that's more profitable, right? Sometimes they can lead to client complaints.
So if there's an error, if there's a miscommunication, we can get complaints and unhappy clients and the the time it takes as well. Some vets are taking up to 1.5 hours to complete these these a H CS which impacts their other important work.
We don't have to offer this service as a practise. There are plenty stand-alone AC services these days, so you can refer out. You could even ask an OV to come to you once a week and do, these certificates for clients.
If if your practise makes a decision not to do them and focus on what you're good at. I completely understand. But I hope that you'll at least try some of the suggestions, that we're going to present today and find that you may find that animal health certificates actually become a great asset that attracts the clients that you like to work with.
So people that have money to travel people that love their pets, these are the guys that can be wonderful to work with so we can attract them and keep them and and bond them even more by offering the service. So we're going to cover profitability. Are animal health certificates boosting your business or limiting your profits?
We are going to talk about customers satisfaction. So the top four reasons why clients complain and what you can do about it and then, lastly, efficiency. So finding the time, how how do you get an animal health certificate done in 15 minutes in one consult slot?
So why am I talking about this? I've been a vet for 20 years now. I've worked in many different kinds of practise mixed practise hospitals, branches.
I've got a certificate in medicine. I was actually quite keen on medicine, but then things took an unexpected turn. I had kids.
It felt like hard mode. And, after covid, I just thought there might be something else to try, and that's led me to entrepreneurship. But I will say that nothing teaches you efficiency, like being a parent.
I wouldn't say it's affected my work ethic. However, I have a deep appreciation for an uninterrupted hot drink, and I don't like to finish late or take my work home with me. So I've really doubled down on efficiency so I can get all the work done during the day and leave on time.
And like many of you, I didn't study six years to do paperwork. So I I've become a bit to do, you know, vet work. And I got really annoyed, when animal health certificates came into force because living in London, a lot of people want to travel with their pets, and this was taking me away from what I wanted to do.
I also had a lot of trouble. When I look at the form, it's almost like the boxes are all moving in front of my eyes like I couldn't It was very difficult for me to, get get the fields all correctly filled in, and, make sure it was all correct. Also, I've got an attention span of about 30 minutes.
If anything takes longer than that, well, I'm I'm out. So, yeah, there was no ways I was gonna spend all that time, and I had to figure out a different way. So, I've developed oviform.
And, this website makes it super easy to, issue animal health certificates. And it's a family business. It's my husband's a software developer.
He's done the software, and my brother is a website developer. So it's just the three of us and over 700 practises have signed up. They're using us.
If you have any questions, just, you know, it would be one of us that answers them. So it's It's a very personal, small business. I've I love my colleagues so much, and anything I can do to help them actually brings me great joy.
And my favourite parts of oviform is hearing how it decreases stress because I know how stressful vet life is. And it's a big reason, for people leaving our profession as somebody's just asked, What is the website? I will get back to you in a minute about that because I've got a special link for you guys.
So at the end, we'll we'll get to that. So I was after developing OV form I had, you know, the form is no longer a problem. It's done, it's it's right every time.
It's easy. But I was still having some stress and problems around ACS, and it wasn't the form. Now it was the everything that happens before the appointment.
So when the client rings and you know, are they getting the correct information? And yeah, we can't have people coming to their appointments and they don't have the right it's available. And then, you know, there's a lot of stress disappointment, drama if if that happens.
So I realised we needed some more resources around this, and I've been, you know, printing information sheets and things like that to try and help with that. I've also been surveying practises. I've spoken to over 100 practises to find out what's working, what isn't working and and what can we learn from that?
So that is a lot of the content. Today is results of that, research. OK, so this is what has come out of the surveys In a nutshell.
It seems like the the main areas we need to look at is profit efficiency and customer satisfaction. But these are they're not obvious ways to measure these values. However, it turns out that there are some other values we can measure and then derive our, profit efficiency and customer satisfaction from that.
So profits, because there's no consumer bills at all. Profit is really how long it takes the vet and the price you charge. So So instead of price minus cost as a profit, it's it's actually price minus the cost of the time in the specific context.
Customer satisfaction? Well, yeah, prices involved. But if there's an error, so it's it's the quality as well.
If there's an error, they will very quickly come back to you with a complaint. So we need to look at, whether you know, your your form is accurate and does does the right thing at the border, to avoid to keep your customers happy and then efficiency is not just the time you take. It's also, relates to quality as well.
Because if there's a if there's an error, you're gonna have to do it again. It's just gonna take more time. And also, if you rush it, if you rush anything, sometimes the quality can be affected.
So, tho, those two link quite well, putting it all together, we we're gonna look at your process central to that. Is your team really important? You can have the best team in the world, but if the price is isn't right, things are gonna go wrong.
They're gonna get frustrated. It's not gonna go well. But if you've got a great process, then the opposite happens.
You have, you know, satisfaction, happier staff. And everyone is doing well. So at at the at the end, I'll tell you more about Obi form.
This is the secret sauce. This is gonna make everything work better. So you can You can do all of this without obi form.
But, if you want to really do it, Well, there's there's some features that are really gonna make a huge difference to you. OK, so we're gonna give profitability our animal health certificates, boosting your profits or holding them back The top reasons claims complain and what you can do about it and how to do a 15 minutes an animal health certificate. So let's let's dig in profitability.
As we've just said, it's price divided by five hours. If you don't mind if you want to put in the chat, what do you charge? And how long do you allocate if you feel comfortable doing that and then I'll tell you what, our survey showed Yeah, it's just for one pet.
So you've got 200 pounds, 45 minutes, 250 pounds, 30 minutes, 90 pounds. The the difference. Specify the minutes.
1.5 hours for 250 pounds. 1, 1830 minutes.
No time allocation. 300 pounds. 180 pounds.
I love this stuff. 219 pounds and 45 minutes. So there's this.
There's quite a range. You can see. It's It's from like 100 pounds to 300 pounds, and the time as well.
It's like all over. It could be 30 minutes to an hour and a half. Yeah.
OK. Thanks, guys. Thanks for sharing that.
So on our survey, this was roughly I mean, it wasn't exactly 250 pounds, but it was It was about 250 pounds per certificate, and it took about one hour on average, if you average all those numbers out, OK, so my question is, if the vet spends an hour doing an an animal health CER certificate, what else could they have been doing? Something different. Could they have done four boosters, for example?
And what would they have built for that? Like, for argument's sake, let's say they they sell flea and worms at their boosters and they build, like, 100 pounds per booster. They could have made, you know, 400 pounds.
So, which, which is better for the practise? I mean, is it is it really worthwhile to spend all that time on an animal health certificate? Would it be better maybe to do something else?
But if we if we keep the price the same and we drop the time spent, If we can be more efficient, then your profitability just goes right up. So if we say no it's gonna take half an hour now then, then it makes more sense now. Now they are actually generating 500 pounds per hour instead of 250.
And and if you can get it down to 15 minutes, I mean, that's that's the Golden Ticket because it's like 1000 pounds per hour for this practise. And, I will I will put a caveat there. Please don't tell your vets.
They're going from 1.5 hours to 15 minutes. There will be a ride.
You've got to take it easy. Like Go, go in slow and and and do things a step at a time. OK, but we'll we'll, tell you exactly what to do to to do that later on.
So, yeah, just to summarise the main issue in profitability is is actually the time the vet time. So if there's anything you can do to delegate to a non vet staff member, vets are probably their times more valuable. In a way, I know this isn't I'm not judging this.
It's it's it's just how it is at the moment. I do think everyone should be paid a bit more, but if if you've got a non vet staff member who can help out and and reduce the time the vet spends on it, I think that that's a win. What I would recommend.
If you're using oviform, you can send the client a link. You know, if you apply for a visa to go travel somewhere like they don't fill it in for you, you fill it in yourself. So I was like, Why am I filling in all these animals forms?
Can we not send the clients a link? So we've We've got that now, and you can just email them a link, and they fill in their their names the the pets, upload their documents, everything, and then the bit just needs to do the Rabies, batch, number, dates, and things like that. And check it all.
So you can imagine how much time that would save. And, you know, you're not not even delegating with that, So I'm just reading the comments. Yeah, someone says if we don't offer health certificates, then our clients that need them will go elsewhere.
I agree. I think clients like to come to us. I think they they can go elsewhere.
They They could probably get it cheaper elsewhere, But they like to come to you because they trust you. So yeah, let's figure out how to, just be more efficient, and, keep everyone happy with that, OK? Now we've discussed how animal health certificates can impact profitability.
Let's explore how to improve, improve customer satisfaction. Someone was asked, Where can we read the comments? Nothing in the chat.
I can see the comments. I don't I don't know. It would be one for, Rebecca, maybe to answer.
Or, there's a chat. Oh, if you look in your, at the bottom of your screen, if you if you make it a bit bigger, there'll there'll be an icon with little, speech bubbles, and you click on that, and then the chat comes up on on the right hand side, and you can read all that. So, they're just saying that if you channel the the chat to everyone, then we can all read it.
I think some of them were just visible by me. And not by everyone. So just toggle the, the two in in your chat and you will.
You can change from hosts and panellists to everyone if you want to. OK, because then I have another question for you. Put in the chat.
How many complaints did you get in the last 12 months? And what were they about? The little high graph there.
That's, data from from our survey. The good news is 30% of practises said no complaints. 25% said 1.
16% said 218 didn't know, and 11% was more than two. So it's It's not huge, but I think you know, they're quite tricky to sort out. Aren't they?
Like it takes time. Usually a V DS might need to get involved if it's happened at the border. It's just a hassle, isn't it?
It's very stressful. So what can we do to avoid them? What's going wrong?
Well, it's very complicated this form, and, you know, sometimes it's difficult for the whole team to know what to tell clients. There could be errors on the form. So I think most its are fine, filling them in.
It's just when you add real life to the situation. So you could be trying to do your your forms and then emergencies come in and people asking you questions, it just adds extra load. So what we want is make sure everyone knows what to do and allocate.
Yeah, it's up to your practise, but you could allocate somebody who who's trained and knows exactly what to do, and and channel all the questions to them or or your reception might be fine. You know, they they can advice and give give a leaflet or something, you know, make make sure it's very clear communication all the way through. So let's just go to the next slide.
OK, here are the main complaints. I'm not even gonna talk about this. You charge what you feel is right, like it's a free market.
People don't like it. They can go somewhere else. Communication.
I've actually combined two categories here because there's the communication. I mean, the the client doesn't understand what what they need to do. They just don't understand the requirements.
But there's also if there's a miscommunication or somebody gives them the wrong information that can lead to a complaint. Invalid H CS. That's a obvious, but, yeah, R Rabies as well is is a bit of a a bug bear.
So, yeah, making sure you forms are prepped in advance and checked, can help prevent invalid. A H CS using oviform actually will highlight any errors and warn you, so it's quite handy. We worked, with the B DS when we designed it so that we, they they were obviously having to deal with a lot of claims, So we tried to make it as foolproof as possible.
I wouldn't say it's impossible to generate an invalid AC, but it's it's quite difficult when you use a V form. So the Rabies, there's a requirement for the microchip to be scanned, and recorded. And yeah, that needs to be done every single time.
You can't give certain vaccines with the Rabies vaccine because it's steamed off licence. So your alpha or your kennel cough. Don't don't give those alongside, so that those those can be a bit of a problem.
Diana says I'm a vet in France, and the main issue I get is incorrect chip number and dates for the Rabies vs, simple things, but not filled incorrectly. Yeah, I think at the appointment you have to always just double check, scan the scan the chip and make sure that it is correct on the forms. And, if you're doing it by hand, you've got to check every time it appears in the form as well, though with O form, you just do it once, and then it will replicate.
Will replicate your error if you make a typo, But it will. It will be the same all the way through. Just just make sure, yeah not filled incorrectly as well.
As is, it's it's a tough form. What can I say? It's not an excuse.
We do need to do them properly and that that's why I've created something to do that, Janine says my problem is clients coming from other clinics with no history of microchip being scanned before Rabies vaccination. How much proof do I require? A written or verbal I.
I would ask for the clinical notes. If you're not, if you don't have the evidence, you can't really use it. You know what I mean?
It's if it's not there, it's not there. I would recommend, another vaccine. I mean, obviously you can email or phone the the vet and ask Confirm if they did, see how you feel about it and then go from there.
OK, so what this is coming down to is having a standard operating procedure so that everything is is done in a predictable way incorrectly. We'll we'll discuss that later as well. So yeah, these are the things that we can do.
Can have information at the front desk. You can have a make sure that they can refer to something if if they receive a phone call, or you can allocate all the queries to to a trained person. You can have leaflets for your clients.
You can email them. You can I. I know it's their responsibility, to make sure they meet the requirements.
However, when there's a problem, they always moan at you. So I I think it's worth the extra effort. You know, just make them aware that things can change.
They should always check the the dra the A PH a but, most of the time, I think it's easier just to, give them a leaflet. Also, you wanna make sure you get all the the information well, before their appointments, make sure it's all correct. And so there's no surprises on the day they walk in.
Very straightforward. And how do we manage that? We want to make sure they get the information back to us in time.
We need somebody to chase them, actually. So you need a checklist, which is? Could be a clipboard.
With the the client's name when they're travelling. Have they booked their appointments? Paid it.
I like paying deposits. I don't know if you guys do this, but a lot of the work's done beforehand, so I think it's reasonable just just after a deposit. And then if they don't turn up, at least you haven't lost all that time for for no, for no money.
Oh, the vets, the vets, the vets, you don't want your vet running around looking for a blue pen, so make sure they've got everything they need. I know that special needs sometimes just have it in a box they can find the, certificate numbers, not for guidance, All that stuff and then, you know, less less stress and drama. So because these certificates, have to be issued in 10 days before the travel in that period, you do need to plan.
There are holiday times. There's there's a dramatic increase in demand. So at obi form, we've got data to show this that November's dead April is like, four times November's demand, and then August is twice that.
So it it's it's pretty up and down. And I think it helps us if we have a plan like, are we gonna limit the appointments? Are we going to get a OV to come in and help us?
Are we gonna add some more appointments? You know, just just think about it and then, you know, it's it's easier if you have a plan and then going back to the Rabies. You your vets just need to be aware of of the rules with with the Rabies vaccinations, and we we've been through that already.
Ok, right now, the, the 15 minutes a HC. Before I get into that, I'm just gonna go through the comments. The date of microchip reading has to be either before or on the same day as the Rabies vaccine.
Often, colleagues have put a date for the reading. That is not that That that is after that. So it's when they see it.
Not Not necessarily the date it was vaccinated. Yeah, that that that is the one of the most common errors, actually, according to the B DS. So, if you use oviform, it defaults to the date of vaccination because you have to read it on the date of vaccination anyway, So I don't see any point in putting it, you know, the date of microchip implant, because it just over complicates it.
So yeah, I I don't know how you you fix that if you do it manually. But if you use O form, you're covered. OK, somebody's written often.
By the time I get to the issue, I find errors in the client name spelling. Yeah, yeah, the the clients need to submit their names, and I think I think separately from sometimes on the clinical records, like it's historic, they they just spelt it wrong in the first place. But if you get them to fill in a new form and get them to confirm it before, before the dates just say, you know, make sure your your name is the same as on your passport on the form, but the O form, one, if they fill in their own name, should be correct.
Obviously, and it's very easy to edit it If there if there was a typo or something. OK, does the name and address on the vaccination card have to match the name and address on the AC? I like it, too.
Like if you can, that would be better. I don't I don't think it's it's It's a reason for failure. I don't think it would make it invalid, but I like everything to match up.
I don't want the border to be scrutinising and and spending a long time trying to figure things out. It's just gonna be clear. So if if you just write a new vaccination card, using the evidence you've got, you know it's been done correctly, so you can just issue a duplicate.
Make sure it matches with the name because you might have one owner came in with for for the vaccine and the other one is travelling with a pet or something like that. So they're both the owner. I mean, they fully entitled to travel with their pet.
But, just make sure that the vaccines match, important to check that the date of travel hasn't changed. Also, that the person who's travelling with a pet is the same person attending with a pet. Yeah, I still run into this one.
The wrong person turns up, yeah, I think with the information, you've just got to say you need to let us know who's attending the appointment and make sure it's the same person travelling with the pet. Otherwise, it's it's a bit of a faff. I add the clinical history print from my clinical data from the day of Rabies vaccine.
Is it, if possible, rather than the vaccination card? Yeah, I think that's fair. You can do that.
Some people add both. I think that's unnecessary. You don't need a clinical history and a vaccination card one or the other.
OK, right. Let's get back to the 15 minute a HC so pulling everything together that we've spoken about. This could be how it goes.
But you will adapt this for your practise. Why is it important? Just trying to use it right to the top of their abilities, so that the bits can get on with bit things and and retaking a bit of the load off.
So ideally, gets a on the team member to collect the information and prepare the the animal health certificate or or do as much as possible. With with the resources you've got, we've spoken about sending the client a link if if you use OV form. But yeah, if if the client calls and asks for an animal health certificate appointment the receptionist, we either forward the inquiry inquiry to the allocated person or, they'll just make the appointment.
If if that's what you're doing and add them to a checklist and then that you can send them the link or a survey and update tick that you've done that on the checklist and take a deposit. If if that's what you do, make sure it comes back and that it gets a chance to check it before the day, Make sure everything is correct. And then literally the day of the appointment.
It shouldn't take long because the the client comes in, You've already prepared the forms. They sign their declaration, you scan the microchip and, make a copy. It's it's quite straightforward just reading the comments.
OK, so today we've covered profitability. How to save time and improve your accuracy as well. Oviform is gonna help with all of that.
We prevent errors. We, when you click on generates it, it just takes, you know, it takes less than five minutes, probably to to get a A form ready to stamp and sign. And, by saving time and improving accu accuracy, you'll definitely see a bit more profit.
So it pays for itself. We we charge per use as well, 10 quid per per certificate. So the time you save will will definitely pay for that.
And, depending on how you feel, you could just add 10 pounds to the the the client price. Up to you. Obviously, people like using it.
I get a lot of very happier reviews. This is a recent one. We have found it hugely useful in streamlining the process, making it much quicker and far less stressful.
Also much easier to alter, if any errors in spelling, et cetera and ability to prepare ahead to fit in with own time. We haven't utilised other staff and filling them in due to the time pressures. But both myself and my colleague have found it a huge benefit in completing the A CS.
So they're very happy about that. Here's some more reviews. Remove so much of the stress.
It's easier. It's more logical. Less margin for error.
I'd got used to doing them manually, but your system is quicker, easier and less prone to mistakes. I'd like to just point out that a lot of vets are fine doing the animal health certificates manually. They it's it's not a problem, but I think they should still give it a go.
I mean, it's like back in the day when we had those film x-ray processes, they were fine. Like we we took x-rays. We interpreted them, did the job.
But would we go back from digital to film processing? No, we wouldn't. And I have.
I have some people doing thousands of animal health certificates using O form every year. They they they are very competent. They just like it.
OK, it's just easier. So some people really find it? II.
I don't know about life changing. I think it's the last one. I mean, great if it is, but I'm I.
I think that's that's, a lot. But it's definitely a game changer for when you're at work anyway. Right?
So we've just spoken about time savings, reducing stress being accurate, and all this together is gonna help with profits. So thank you, everyone for coming today. We're We're nearly at the end.
I had about 40 minutes. Plan. And we're on track with that.
I hope that you found some useful ideas in this talk that you can implement for your team. O form has always had a free trial. You you try for yourself.
You don't have to believe anything you know, not telling you how to do things, but just give it a go, because that's much more effective for me. Like I'd rather you just tried it out than than. Listen to me.
Talk about it. So your first five are always free. No matter how you sign up, we will today with the webinar that we've got another offer we are going to give you, 25% discount on your first purchase so that if you're buying 5050 certificates in your first purchase, that would be worth about 100 and 25 pounds.
So, Well, I'll give you a link for that in a minute. I would really like you to hit the ground running. So if if you want to, I'd really encourage you.
When you get your welcome email, there's a link to book a call, and then I will go get on a call with you, and we'll go through your practise. So we're we're gonna go through what works for you and figure out the best way to optimise your own situation. And then, we also have I hope you guys have, clicked that it's OK for me to send you an email on on your registration.
If if you accept emails from a form, then I'm able to send you some of the resources I was talking about I can We can dig into that after, there's plenty of time if, after questions, we can have a look at some of the resources. But basically, we've got some material for the front desk. Que FA Q frequently ask questions, information sheets.
And, I did some work, collaborated with training progress. They do SOPS. So we've we've built one that you can edit for your practise.
That's available from them. But I'll send you a link, in the email. So here's the link.
I'll put it in the chat as well. So it's Obi Obi bet to get that offer.
And you can when When you sign up, you'll get a link to book a free call. And then you can use our resources and enjoy all the benefits, all the increased efficiency, profits, happy clients, happy staff, the whole the whole lot. And this is just in time for Christmas because next week we're gonna have, increased demand, Don't we holidays kick off.
So I hope I hope that's helpful. I think that's that's the end of my bit. Do we have any questions?
Let's let's open up for questions. Thank you, Mary Anne. Yeah.
So I was just gonna actually say, you know what a great session that we've had. It's been really interactive as well. I think we've had some questions on the actual chat.
I've not had any come through on our, Q and a specific quest. Specific, Q and a box. So I was just trying to have a look through, and philtre some of those.
So it might be best I'll have a look through now. And which ones you have answered as you've been talking along as well. No one wants to know what movie film costs.
It depends you normally buy. It's per use. So you buy credits and one credit is one AC.
It depends how many you buy. So 50 is 500 pounds excluding VA. So it's by a tenner.
Per a HC. And it will save you at least 30 minutes of time. Lovely.
And one of the questions I don't think you have had Oh, yeah. Do do we have to make a hard copy for the certified copy or do or is there a scan onto the computer records? The A PA a is that they're happy, for us to scan it onto the computer or make a hard copy.
So some trees to the sky. And what is the most common mistake on a standard, animal health certificate in your opinion and how to avoid it? The V DS did some work on this.
I think really, it was either typos. So just making a clerical error or that microchip scan date? So it's where you say the microchip was scanned on or before the Rabies vaccination.
And then if someone puts the date after, you can't be sure it was If you scan a dog after you've vaccinated it, how do you know it was the right dog? I think that's the logic. And it's it's in the fine print.
That has to be like that. I think it's footnote 10 or something. Yeah, and, of course, Catherine, you've asked what is I don't understand your question.
Could you Could you please just, maybe you rephrase it for me? So I can understand it better. Yeah, I was just gonna say that as well.
About the the app deliverer, I think. Is that is that what you're referring to here? I've got Claire saying, what, date of owner does, does the date of owner declaration matter?
I've been doing it on the day, but is earlier. OK, I think that's the question for the a PH a I've always done it on the day. I'm not sure about it before.
I don't Mm. I I I'm not sure. Yeah, just drop an email to to the a PH A I'm I'm a mere mortal.
I'm just repeating what the a PH a have told me. So I'm not gonna overstep. I'm not.
I'm staying in my lane. But how do you manage those travelling with transport companies on behalf of an owner? Ok, so I'm just gonna say what's in the notes for guidance and that says that the carrier can't The carrier is somebody commercial, right?
A transport company. They can't sign the document. They can't sign the declaration.
So you either need the owner that that would be my preference to get the owner to sign. But technically it is the person who is going to be reunited with the pets within five days. That should be signing.
If your your friend is taking your dog and using a carrier, your friend should do the form and come to the appointment. I hope that's clear. I find it confusing to you sometimes and let's have a look.
What else have we got? Where? There is evidence that a routine vaccination cannot be given at a sale time, please.
I know, I know. It's ridiculous. It it's basically they made all these vaccines and tested them with Rabies.
And then they made some more vaccines and never tested them with Rabies. So it's it's on the data sheet. It says this Rabies is licenced to be given with these particular ones, and then it doesn't mention the others.
And it's come up at all the OB conferences and things they said, no, you can't, But I mean, I'm sure I'm sure it all works it. It's just one of those things. I mean, if you think about the whole there's a there's a lot of crazy stuff with with these certificates.
That's just one of them. But, yeah, just to avoid any drama, try not to give the the Rabies with kennel cough, L four and FLV. Let's have a look.
But also guessing that's another question about the market. Why can't we Let's put the date microchip. I'm guessing that's another question for, you can put in the date microchips if you want to.
I just find that overly complicated. That's just my opinion. You can You can do that.
Yeah. How do you manage a dog with two microchips you have to put both on? They both need to go on.
So you just need to, have an extra line and and and put a, a letter explaining that there's two microchips in the evidence as well. I think I think that's pretty much all of them I can see. OK, Yes.
If anyone has any more that they want would like to put in if they want to put it in the, well, we've just got one more come through. The Q and a box. If you have five animals, you can't fit the Rabies details on without going over.
It's just someone who's noted them as well. Yeah, that's tricky. You could you could do a schedule, or you could use OV form.
We'll fit it in for you. We resize everything so it fits. There you go.
There. There's your answer. Oh, the OOV form Animal health certificate.
System does show you where to stamp. We do circles, so you won't miss any. So wherever there's an amendment, we will put a circle for you.
Commercial travel is only export certificate. Yeah, absolutely. If it's commercial, a HC does not.
It's not what you need. You need an EHC, OK? Oh, OK.
So, I'll just show you This is the F FA Q for reception. That I've I've built. So it's just something with a few questions on it.
Mentions, like the tapeworm treatment for for different countries for dogs. When is the EU passport valid? When can they use that?
Is the Rabies valid? So it covers a few things. Obviously, they need to ask the vet if if it's outside of these, topics.
And then here's like a a cheat sheet. I'm I I'm hoping you can see this. I've just shared.
Can you see the The screen? Yeah, I can see it. I'm hoping that everyone else can see it as well.
In a nutshell. What people need to remember when talking about, animal health certificates, like microchips, Rabies vaccination needs to book the appointment within 10 days of travel. Dogs might need a tapeworm treatment.
And, I would suggest that they they book the Rabies at least 30 days before because if you book a Rabies 22 days before travel, it really limits the do you can do the consult. So give yourselves a bit of space there and try. And, you can, you know, have a have a lot more options.
For what day you do the the actual appointments. Somebody wants to know more about O form. I'll just show you, that's what it looks like.
The pricings here, you can contact us. There's actually a chat box somewhere as well. And then you log in and it will just take you through the form.
And I would suggest you book a call with me and I'll, I'll do a demo. I'll just show you what to do. You don't actually need a demo.
You could probably figure it out, but I'm happy to yeah. Come on. A call with you?
Yeah. I will email the forms. The the FA QS and things, if you have, tick the boxes so that we can contact you on on your registration.
Yeah. No, that sounds that sounds great. I think we've oh.
We've got one more question. Does the Rabies card with a microchip number at the top confirm that the chip was read at the time of vaccination? Had this discussion at work?
I think it was not. Unless the words say chip was scanned on the date. Please confirm if this if I'm correct at the end of the day, it's up to you.
You've got to be satisfied with the evidence for me personally. I want the date. Yeah, Yeah, perfect.
Nice. Ok, I think that pretty much brings us to the and, one more we had is the OV form for vet practise or for the clients as well. It's for the best practise and then Yeah, you, You pop, pop the email link out to your clients.
The clients for them to fill in, isn't it? Yeah. Yeah.
Perfect. Yeah. Yeah.
Obviously save as much work as possible. Yeah, Yes. Oh, well, thank you so much.
I think everyone will agree that, you know, today's been great. It's been really interactive. Which has been, you know, a a really good, way of being able to see what, OV form is capable of and?
And what, what everyone is battling against basically, with these, animal, he, health certificates. In practise, we're all all all in the same boat, basically, but I just wanna say thank you again so much. Marianne, for today and thank you again, OV form for sponsoring today's webinar.
I'm sure, that everyone enjoyed, today, And I just want to say, thank you, everyone for joining us. And, we hope you hope we can all see you again soon. Thanks.


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