
Bovine uterine prolapses are an uncommon, but important emergency call attended by cattle vets. Whilst the basic technique for replacement of the prolapsed uterus has not fundamentally changed in the last ten twenty years, much has been learned regarding causation, success rates and appropriate aftercare. This webinar will review the causes of bovine uterine prolapses, offer guidance to vets regarding replacement, and discuss appropriate aftercare.
Lastly, we will review the literature to aid vets in providing an evidence-based prognosis to their clients.

Learning Objectives

  • List the common causes of uterine prolapse in cattle
  • Understand the prevalence of, and predisposing factors for, uterine prolapse in cattle
  • Provide a practical approach to replacement of the bovine uterine prolapse
  • Select appropriate adjunctive medication, and justify their use after the replacement of a bovine uterine prolapse
  • Provide an educated prognosis for survival and return to breeding of cows with uterine prolapse