
This VETChat episode is part of our series on supporting and empowering women in veterinary, hosted by Kathryn Bell. Joining Kathryn today is Keisha Swaby, author of ‘Empowering Dyslexics - Blessed and Gifted,’ a powerful book to educate, inspire and create more awareness. Not only that, she's an international inspirational speaker and proudly finds herself in the esteemed Top 50 Influential Neurodivergent Women Northern Power Women Future List, part of the WeAreTheCity 100 List!

In this episode, Kathryn and Keisha discuss Keisha's mission to inspire, educate, empower and create more awareness of Dyslexia and Dyspraxia. Keisha shares her personal journey with dyslexia, from her difficulties during childhood to her diagnosis at 41 years old. They discuss what dyslexia really is and address the common challenges faced by dyslexics, providing insights into navigating through academia and daily life with it. Keisha explains the importance of knowing your strengths as someone with dyslexia and sheds light on the support systems available for those who suspect they may have dyslexia.

Find all links mentioned in this episode below.


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