The Remarkable World of the Honey Bee by John Hill. I will be describing the importance of honeybees as pollinators to the agricultural industry and some of the challenges they face. We will look at the natural history of the bee. Knowledge of its life cycle is fundamental to understanding the complexity of the diseases and pests that affect them. I will outline some of the major pests and pathogens in the UK and cover potential future threats to their wellbeing. The British Bee Veterinary Association was formed to raise awareness of bees and within the profession and I will encourage membership. Qualified from Trinity College Dublin 1975. Recently retired as senior partner in a six vet mixed practice in County Antrim, Northern Ireland. Past President of Association of Veterinary Surgeons Practising in Northern Ireland, AVSPNI; North of Ireland Veterinary Association, NIVA; and Society of Practising Veterinary Surgeons, SPVS. Currently Trustee of the Pet Bloodbank and Chairman of Veterinary Northern Ireland Board, VetNI. Founder President of recently formed British Bee Veterinary Association, BBVA set up to raise knowledge of bees within the profession. Sitting on the Bee Health Advisory Forum in DEFRA which advises ministers and politicians on bee policy. An enthusiastic beekeeper.