
Danielle will cover all aspects of home medicating cats with lots of tips and tricks that I have learned over the years. We will consider the usefulness of the different types of drug formulations; tablets v capsules v powders v liquid v injectables v transdermals v inhaled drugs etc. We will consider the risks of getting it wrong, for example, did you know that none of tablets given to a cat without a water flush get to a cat’s stomach by 60 seconds, and only 37% get there by 5 minutes; which means that the tablets are stuck in the cat’s oesophagus, potentially causing damage. And capsules are also problematic, with only 17% getting to the stomach by 5 minutes. We will discuss the enhanced usefulness and potential risks of reformulation, including the role of Cascade, and how drug reformulation can alter bioavailability. Danielle will also discuss transitioning diets, including a few case examples of what can go wrong when drugs are not easy to give, and how poor compliance can leave the cat in pain in the case of analgesics, and result in drug resistance in the case of antibiotics.

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