The development of the vast majority of diseases of backyard poultry are driven by husbandry issues rather than true management diseases. The first part of this webinar aims to discuss the common management failures that underpin common disease presentations in practice. The second part of the webinar will cover the approach to post-mortem examination of a chicken. Whilst in other pet species post-mortem examination is seldom performed, in backyard poultry it is an important diagnostic tool.
Key Learning Objectives:
1. Be able to describe common issues surrounding the feeding of backyard flocks
2. Be aware of the regulation surrounding the feeding of kitchen scraps to backyard flocks
3. Be able to discuss the approach to a broody hen
4. Know how to carry out a post-mortem examination of a backyard chicken
5. Be able to identify common conditions at PM (Blackhead, coccidiosis and peritonitis)