
At a time when veterinary teams across the UK are under immense pressure from increased caseload and workforce shortages, we need more than ever to use the whole team to the best of their ability to manage caseload.
Using OA as a working example, John and Robyn will explore the need for whole team collaboration and delegation to bring positives to the practice, the efficiency of the vet's workload, the progression of RVNs, the satisfaction of clients and the management of animals with chronic health conditions.

Learning Objectives

  • What is needed to be successful in implementing RCN chronic condition consults to your practice
  • Why using RVNs can result in more optimal management of chronic conditions, client engagement and customer satisfaction.
  • Why working collaboratively can improve workflow, efficiency, satisfaction and management of chronic conditions
  • Focus on osteoarthritis as a working example
  • Learn the basis of how to implement advanced/ chronic disease RVN clinics in practice
  • To understand the factors of why chronic disease management is important to the client, patient and practice
  • Understand how scoring systems get verified
  • How CROMS are applicable to veterinary care provision
  • Understand how CROMS can be implemented in practice

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