It is commonplace to be exposed to wounds and fractures during a routine day in practice and most veterinarians are extremely comfortable dealing with standard wounds and fracture presentations. However, certain wounds in particular locations always present a challenge both in how to manage them but especially in how to bandage them. The goal of this presentation is to present some basics of wound healing including some of the newer information related to wound dressings and a review of the differences feline versus canine wound healing. A brief review of wound site preparation is also provided. Certain “no-no’s” of wound healing including the appropriate placement of drains and which wound dressings to avoid are described as a refresher for the audience. The remainder of the discussion focuses on different wounds that have recently presented to the speaker’s emergency room with a focus on how the speaker chose to treat each wound with a bandage or other dressing. Specific examples include the use and indications of a tie-over bandage, use of stretch net as a bandaging aid, and various types of bandages used in the head, neck and shoulder regions. The final segment of the presentation discusses conservative fracture management including when to use a splint versus a cast and concludes with a less common application of a splint for a paw pad injury.
Learning objectives
To provide a brief review of the principles of wound healing and wound site preparation including differences between cats and dogs.
To provide a concise review of the newer wound dressings and their application.
To review the appropriate use and applications of wound drains including open and closed suction drains.
To review the use and indications of specific types of bandages and materials including the tie-over bandage, use of stretch net as a bandaging aid, and options for bandages in the head, neck and shoulder regions.
To review the basics of conservative fracture management including the use of splints versus casts.
Dr. Thomovsky graduated from the University of Missouri in 2001 and pursued an internship at University of Illinois. She was a general practitioner for three years prior to pursuing her residency in 2008. She became a faculty member first at University of Wisconsin and now at Purdue University where she is currently a Clinical Associate Professor in the Small Animal Emergency and Critical Care section.