
Adaptix SA3D – A New Way of Imaging Exotic Pets

This webinar will discuss imaging of our exotic pet patients. Highlighting the need for excellent quality images and a high degree of detail, the ability to rapidly diagnose particularly the smaller species significantly impacts outcomes. The use of a new 3D radiographic imaging system (Adaptix SA3D) will be demonstrated showing its utility in a range of uses. This system is very different from a 2-d radiograph and a CT image- its more similar to using a microscope in many ways- the system allows the clinician to scroll through layers of information until the appropriate area is in focus. Using case examples the benefits of this new type of imaging will be demonstrated.

Sponsored By Adaptix Ltd.

Learning Objectives

  • Understand the limitations of radiographic and CT imaging in exotic pets
  • Understand the difference between Adaptix 3D images, normal radiographs and CT images
  • Understand how to interpret this new for of image using case discussions
  • Gain an appreciation of the different way that Adaptix 3D images can be used
  • Gain an understanding of why detailed imaging is necessary for exotic patients

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