Speaker bio page for Richard A. Saunders
Richard A. Saunders
BSc (Hons) BVSc FRSB CBiol DZooMed (Mammalian) DipECZM(ZHM) MRCVS
Richard graduated from the University of Liverpool in 1994, also obtaining an intercalated degree in Zoology. He worked in general small animal practice for 2 years before joining the RSPCA at Norfolk Wildlife Hospital, working with British wildlife. After that, he worked in increasingly exotic animal practice, obtaining his CertZooMed in 2001, and his DZooMed (Mammalian) in 2010. He obtained his ECZM (ZHM) Diploma and Specialist status in 2018. He joined Bristol Zoological Gardens as a resident in 2008, and Staff Vet in 2011. He works part time for Bristol Zoo and teaches at the University of Bristol. He is the RWAF Veterinary Adviser. He is the author of several chapters on rabbits and other small mammal species. |