Speaker bio page for John Chitty

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John Chitty

BVetMed CertZooMed MRCVS


RCVS Advanced Practitioner in Zoological Medicine. Qualified from the Royal Veterinary College in 1990 and gained RCVS Certificate in Zoological Medicine in 2000 Until recently was employed in small animal/ exotics practice in Andover, Hampshire with a 100% avian/ exotics/ small mammal caseload- referral and first opinion , as well as consulting to various zoos and reintroduction projects. Now provides a consultancy and advisory service for zoos, Local Authorities and vets. Co-editor of three texts on avian medicine, one on rabbit surgery and co-author of a textbook of tortoise medicine. Author of various book chapters and papers on a range of species President of European Association of Avian Veterinarians 2015-17 and on editorial board of the Journal of Exotic Pet Medicine, the Veterinary Record, and Veterinary Evidence. President of the British Small Animal Veterinary Association 2017-18 Trustee and Hon Secretary of Vetlife

Webinars from John Chitty
