Feline Behaviour Fundamentals by Linda Ryan - Webinar of the Month

Understanding the intricate world of feline behaviour is essential for providing the best care for our beloved cats. This month, The Webinar Vet is excited to feature “Feline Behaviour Fundamentals” by Linda Ryan, a comprehensive introduction to feline behaviour that delves into the factors influencing who cats are, why they act the way they do, and how we can enhance their care through a deeper understanding.

A Journey Through Feline Behaviour

Linda Ryan's webinar begins with an introduction to the family Felidae, exploring the common traits shared by cats. Cats are solitary, carnivorous hunters, with the exception of lions, which thrive in groups. Despite their solitary nature, cats can form social relationships, usually familial, and are highly territorial. Modern domestic cats, which share a similar appearance to domestic tabbies, are solitary nocturnal hunters. The domestic cat was first classified as Felis catus in 1758. However, true domestication applies mostly to indoor-only pedigree cats, a small proportion of the pet cat population. Most cats are considered tame rather than domesticated and could potentially revert to a wild state if necessary.

The Origins and Development of Domestic Cats

Linda explains that domestic cats have inherited many traits from their desert-dwelling ancestors and were historically kept for hunting rodents. Cats are purely carnivorous, engaging in behaviours such as searching, hunting, and catching prey. Free-living cats are solitary when food is scarce, typically eating 10-20 small meals throughout the day and night. Domestic cats' feeding behaviour may reduce the time spent hunting but does not alter their hunting behaviour. Predatory drive is strong, with cats willing to stop eating to make a kill.

Social Structure and Sensory Abilities

The webinar covers the social structure of cats, highlighting their social flexibility. Female cats are typically the sole food providers, with males not always present, leading to females potentially mating with several males. All cats are territorial, with their sociality, territoriality, and predatory nature being interlinked.

Linda delves into feline sensory abilities, emphasizing their impact on behaviour. For instance, cats have around 200 million olfactory receptors, making their sense of smell crucial for communication through pheromones. Cats communicate with the aim of changing another cat’s behaviour, using senses such as visual, auditory, olfactory, and tactile. Although cats have subtle instinctive communication, they may display more obvious signs like dilated pupils, piloerection, tense muscles, and vocalisations when they lose control of a situation or environment.

Developmental Stages and Practical Applications

The webinar also touches on feline developmental stages, providing a thorough explanation of how these stages influence behaviour. Normal cat behaviour is multifactorial, and understanding these factors is key to improving feline care.

By the end of the webinar, attendees will be able to:

  • Articulate the influencing factors on feline behaviour

  • Describe the origin of domestic cats

  • Recognise the importance of cats’ predatory nature, sociality, and territoriality on their behaviour

  • Explain basic feline sensory ability and communication

  • Understand feline developmental stages

  • Apply the webinar concepts in the clinic and in discussions with cat caregivers

A Must-Watch for Feline Enthusiasts

“Feline Behaviour Fundamentals” by Linda Ryan is a must-watch for anyone interested in the history and understanding of cat behaviour. This webinar provides valuable insights that can enhance your approach to feline care.

Don't miss out on this opportunity to deepen your understanding of our feline friends. Join us and watch this enlightening webinar on demand with a membership at The Webinar Vet.

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Feline Behaviour Fundamentals

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