Celebrating the Human-Animal Bond

On Sunday 28th July, StreetVet will be collaborating with other charities, individuals and organisations that support and promote the Human-Animal Bond (HAB) to create virtual events and competitions to inspire and educate animal lovers. As well as celebrating the relationship between humans and animals and all of the benefits they bring to us, the day intends to encourage animal lovers to engage with charities whether that is following them through social media or volunteering. 

The Human Animal Bond Research Institute (HABRI), states that the Human-Animal Bond (HAB) is “a mutually beneficial and dynamic relationship between people and animals that is influenced by behaviours that are essential to the health and well-being of both. This includes, but is not limited to, emotional, psychological, and physical interactions of people, animals, and the environment.” The bonds importance is becoming more evident. 

Tammie O’Leary, co-founder of the National Human-Animal Bond Awareness Day (NHABAD ) explains “The love and affection for animals is evident whether it is in our homes, at work or in a therapeutic environment. The Human-Animal Bond is of importance and holds meaning to anyone who has contact with animals, whatever species they may be. StreetVet is one of many charities that witnesses this beneficial relationship and is the founding charity behind the NHABAD. Those individuals with no permanent residence greatly value the relationship with their companions who provide friendship 24/7 in often challenging circumstances. StreetVet clients are provided the peace of mind knowing their best friend’s health is catered for FOC. The HAB does not discriminate or judge, it is a strong feeling that does not depend on ability, worth or status. That is why we want to celebrate the amazing charities that promote & benefit from it”. 

Jade Statt, StreetVet Co-Founder and Clinical Director says: “Recognition of the importance of the human-animal bond is the foundation upon which StreetVet was created. I have been a vet for over 20 years yet some of the most incredible relationships I have had the privilege to witness have all been through StreetVet. We are so excited to share our day dedicated to celebrating the power of pets” 

The Human Animal Bond Research Institute (HABRI) wrote that there is scientific research that supports the human-animal bond – or the mutually beneficial relationship between people and pets – for a happier, healthier life (1). They state that top-5 benefits of the HAB as being: 

  1. Pets alleviate stress 

  2. Pets fight depression 

  3. Pets address social isolation & loneliness 

  4. Pets improve physical fitness & encourage activity 

  5. Pets facilitate healing & resiliency 

The events on Sunday 28th July will be via Facebook Live and hosted from The Donkey Sanctuary in Sidmouth. Dr Faith Burden, Deputy CEO and Executive Director of Equine Operations will be kicking off the day explaining the work of the Sanctuary and the valuable Donkey Assisted Activities. There is an opportunity to meet and greet the presenters including Hercule Van Wolfwinkle, StreetVet fundraiser and ambassador famous for his rubbish pet portraits https://herculevanwolfwinkle.co.uk/ If you have his books and you wish to come along to get them signed you will be welcome. He may even draw some ‘art’ for you! 

The talks will be recorded to be shared after the day itself. Times will be available on the website events page and the Facebook page. Questions for the presenters can be sent in via the contact us page of the website https://www.human-animalbondday.com/contact

Interactive competitions will be run to win animal related prizes bringing an extra layer of fun to the campaign. 

Dr Faith Burden - Deputy CEO and Executive Director of Equine Operations will kick the day off by introducing us to the Donkey Sanctuary. The agenda is then; 

  • Diane James - The Blue Cross discussing Pet loss 

  • Peter Wright - The Yorkshire Vet & Donkey Sanctuary Ambassador speaks with Stephy Studley, Centre Support and Equine Assistant talking about the Donkey Assisted Activities and why donkeys; their attributes, reflecting people’s feelings 

  • Hercule Van Wolfwinkle of Rubbish Pet Portraits running a drawing workshop & chat about his charity work 

  • Esme Wheeler - Animal welfare expert and clinical animal behaviourist discussing 'Promoting Choice & Control in Companion Animals; simple ways to enhance wellbeing and welfare' 

  • Andrew Hale - Dog Centred Care discussing 'The Emotional Experience of dogs: how to best support our canine companions, especially those with challenging behaviours' 

  • Lindsay Arliss - Woodgreen Dog Behaviour & Training Specialist presenting a recording of “Meet Your Pet – Discover the individual needs of your pet and maximise your relationship” 

The breadth of skills that animals have which humans can utilize is wide and we encourage everyone to learn more about a charity which resonates with them. From Pets as Therapy, PTSD assistance dogs, Farms for City Children, the British Hen Welfare Trust to Riding for the Disabled there will be a charity the public can engage with. Every action taken, from sharing posts through to fundraising matters to charrities. Rarely does anyone ever regret the time they spend volunteering often gaining skills and lifelong friendships. 

For the times of talks please visit the events page at 

https://www.human-animalbondday.com/ or follow our social media channels. 





The day is made possible due to the goodwill of The Donkey Sanctuary, Ceva Animal Health, The Meraki Initiative, a team of dedicated supporters and presenters. 




1 - https://habri.org/blog/top-5-benefits-of-the-human-animal-bond/ 

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